Monday, September 30, 2019

Get More with Organic Food Essay

With the growing population across the globe, technology has been trying to intervene to produce more food for everyone. The concurrent food crisis assaults man’s staple food source. Different departments have been called to help alleviate the problem. Scientists have been pushed to find a means to help the agriculture of these crops. They use chemicals, hormones and other genetic re-engineering to produce more. Unfortunately, this process also dilutes what one can get in consuming food. The nutritional value is then degraded to none. In this regard, this essay stand firm in the notion that organic food will deliver more benefits than non-organic food. There are definite reasons behind this claim. To affirm the claim, the benefits of both categories will be laid out. By utilizing this process, one will be able to have an educated stance regarding the debate. The simple question relies on whether countries will choose the science of quality or quantity. Organic Food Organic food is defined by the process by which it is produced. This process makes use of the natural means of growing produce. Natural fertilizers and traditional means of cultivating them are practiced. They do not make use of modern technology to reap these produce. This kind of food does not undergo any sort of preservation process to prolong its shelf life. This, of course, calls for a lot of advantages. These are (1) the nutritional values of the food are kept intact, (2) being chemical free renders consumers emancipated from substances that may inevitably incur illness to a person, and (3) it leaves soil free from residue brought by chemicals for the next crops to be planted. Since organic products are grown with the most natural means possible, most of the nutrients products naturally have are well maintained. When products undergo a process, to prolong its shelf life and enhance its flavor, before being sold to the market, it loses its nutrients at a certain point. The primary purpose of eating is to attain nutrients to sustain life. But with the numerous process one could only imagine that a lot of nutrients are taken away and drained to waste. The processes denied food of his primary purpose. The second benefit of organic food is that there are no chemicals used in it that may have potential harm on the people. Since it was grown in the most natural manner, it did not have to use chemicals to cultivate. These chemicals, even when the produce or livestock has been processed, it remains in its composition. When people eat these kinds of food, they in turn absorb these chemicals. But with organic food, the people are spared of this endeavor. They are also given the opportunity to live longer. The third benefit, and most probably one of the most important, of organic food is rather for the long term consequences. When chemicals are used to push produce to grow faster and bigger, these are also absorbed by the soil. When other crops are planted in the same area, these will also absorb the chemicals. The soil will continue to be contaminated unless unused for a long period of time. On the other hand, organic produce does not make use any kind of chemicals. The soil will be contaminant free. It likewise promotes biological diversity, as mentioned by an article from the website Medical Wellness Association. Some of the chemicals they expose to the environment harms more than the pests they want to remove. Non-Organic On the other hand, non-organic food also has its own benefits. This category of food refers to products, both crop and livestock, which have been enhanced by scientific advances. Its size, taste and quantity has been changed so that it is bigger, tastier, and more. Since these are enhanced products, it has been assumed that these are also better. It is not about finding means of making a profit. It is about trying to find answers as man surpasses what is. It is not creation, but intervention. It was designed to primarily make more for the hungry. With the help of technology, non-organic food is also able to reap the following benefits: (1) longer shelf life and better flavor, (2) it is relatively cheaper due to how it was produced, and (3) it could be the answer to world hunger. In certain parts of the world, the climate and technology prohibits some people from being able to store food for a long period of time. But with the help of advanced technology, they are given more than an opportunity. They were given an answer. In relation to the enhanced flavor, perhaps that is just an added benefit to the storage. With this advancement, individuals are able to have a hefty meal with just opening a can or heating a pack in a microwave. It has become a matter of convenience. Since non-organic food is also produced in great numbers, it becomes relatively cheaper than organic food. The process is easier and significantly takes a shorter time in manufacturing. With cheaper food, more people are able to purchase them. Especially in third world countries, availing food should be able to fit into their daily budget. In some countries, where a lot of people are at the brink of extreme poverty, it is important that they are provided with food with reasonable prices. In this light, with the above mentioned benefits of non-organic food, perhaps it has become the answer to world hunger. The world is getting over populated, and there is less food for everyone. There is food crisis simultaneously in different nations. On top of that, famine and drought in certain countries even forbade their people to even try to plant crops or raise livestocks. Some are dying because of hunger or illnesses brought by it. But because there are crops and livestock that are easily produced in great numbers, it could be that they will be able to finally give a spark to the hope of many hungry people. Organic products sometimes take too long to grow or produce that the rate of how population increases is not matched by the rate these crops and livestocks grow. The Better Option After laying out what each food category can offer, one should be able to find which is better. Organic food is a natural product free from chemicals. It also allows the environment to produce without the influences from synthetic substances that could be potentially harmful in the long run. On the other hand, non-organic food has longer shelf life and better taste. It is also relatively cheaper from the former category. More importantly, it silently declares to answer world hunger. Unfortunately, even if non-organic food presents a lot of promises to the people and the economy, organic food is still the better option. Feeding the people with non-organic food does not assure the extension of their lives than when they go hungry. Perhaps when they are fed, they will be able to survive. But they should not depend on it. When the chemicals get accumulated in their systems, it could result to terminal illnesses, like cancer. Yes, the growing population is being fed satisfactory amounts. However, what purpose does it serve when more harm is done? It harms not only the people, but also the environment. Even when the people get to eat, if the earth gets damaged due to these chemicals and residues, what will be left to the people? They are not hungry, but the inevitability of their choice will cope, and then devastation.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Carrie Buck Essay

Buck versus Bell 274 U. S. 2000 (1927) was the United States Supreme Court ruling that upheld a statue instituting compulsory sterilization of the unfit, including the mentally retarded â€Å"for the protection and health of the state. † (Holmes) It was largely seen as an endorsement of negative eugenics which is the attempt of science to improve the human race by eliminating â€Å"defectives† from the gene pool. (Elof) Paul Lombardo argues (in N. Y. U. Law Review, April 1985, 60(30):30-62) that the Buck case was a milestone in government power over individual rights. Lambardo) In his essay â€Å"Carrie Buck’s Daughter: a popular, quasi-scientific idea can be a powerful tool for injustice,† Stephen Jay Gould attacks the injustice of the false â€Å"science† of eugenics, and champions Carrie Buck as the example of the victims. This paper aims scrutinized Gould’s writing skills by studying and analyzing the five metaphors he used in the essay. First, the comparison to Judeo-Christian (Exodus) and pagan Greco-Roman (philosopher Plato) ideas of punishment through 3 generations which is unjust will be tackled. Second, Carrie Buck is an instrument of showing the people what injustice is. Third, the references to Adolf Hitler and the Nazi’s policy of eugenics through gas ovens will be analyzed. Fourth, the issue of the dishonesty of the American legal system and the issue regarding Oliver Wendell Holmes will prove that government powers overpower the individual rights. This should not be the case. Lastly, the metaphor from the ballad â€Å"Barbara Allen† will be talked about. At the end this paper will also examine and evaluate whether Gould succeeded or not in his argument or persuasion essay Gould was a world renowned historian of science. (Shermer) This is why one believes that he uses metaphors that happened in history. He wanted to prove his arguments by relating to what has already happened in the past which is unique for a writer to do. The first metaphor was a comparison to Judeo-Christian and Greco-Roman ideas of punishment through 3 generations. In addition to that is the superstition of bad things happens in threes. One supposes that Gould wants the readers to realize the similarity of the ruling and the ancient beliefs. He argued though that the injustice here is that the children are innocent of the crimes of their fathers or grandfathers. (Gould) When Gould referred to Adolf Hitler as the perfect metaphor for evil, it could be he was coming from a point of view that no person in the history of the world had done what Adolf Hitler did and all for the reason of eugenics. Gould was also known to write about philosophical matters. He was clearly disgusted by the eradication of over 9 million people through gas ovens just because they were considered â€Å"imperfect. † (Gould) How could Hitler know what is perfect if he is imperfect? Surely, it seems illogical when one sees this argument. As for the issue of dishonesty of the American legal system were the victims were not told of sterilization and that the government falsified records was just plain unjust. The government does not have powers to undermine the rights of any individual. The individual is in the proper perspective to know how to better a government and a sense of bettering a society rather than one person holding a high office. That should better fulfill each individual needs and in turn produce a more controlled government. A government should be entirely equal to all citizens and each individual should make his or her own decisions. (Rousseau) One of the most notable documents in history tells of the necessity of individual rights and explains why those rights are a necessity. Individuals’ wants and needs could possibly be blind to the state running the government and everyday pleasures that many take for granted could quickly come to light once they were gone. Often, the state does not visualize this method and can sometimes ignore the individual’s needs all together when proposing things. This basically give power to the federal government to control and set laws for people instead of letting the individual think for him or herself and control their own actions. With having the states predominate control over individuals, problems often occur and the different laws and propositions could alienate some people. The Declaration of Independence originally established different rights for the population of the United States in which gave the people rights of freedom that the citizens needed and a norm to have a guide for the people. Plato’s â€Å"from Crito† is a document that established and guidelines to be held by the states instead of the individual. The Declaration of Independence sought for individual unlike the principles regarded in â€Å"from Crito†, in which saw the power of the government to be lead by the state. Over time people have swayed from the views of the Declaration of Independence and have abused their rights that were allowed to them. That should be no reason to have these freedoms taken from them. Individual rights are a must in society and are important in the function of everyday life. The individual’s rights should predominate and not the government powers. In fact, the government has defeated their purpose by doing acts like fraud and telling lies. (Rousseau) They have the responsibility to defend and protect the innocent and helpless against people that will try to harm them. In this case, the people who are harming the innocent are the ones that should have been protecting the victims. Gould argued that as we can see in the evidences that Carrie Bucker is a victim of this injustice. Gould also made a reference to the ballad â€Å"Barbara Allen†. The ballad was about two lovers who were united only in their deaths which is similar to what has happened to the mother and child in the Buck case. Carrie and Vivian Buck were reunited when they were already dead. Gould’s tone during this part was a person who mourns as if the two people were related to him. He was so disappointed in what happened in their lives and was disappointed that because of the injustice done by the government we see the end of the Buck lineage with Vivian. Stephen Jay Gould is one unique writer. What distinguishes Gould from other writers is that he has taken his work beyond academia and into everyday life. He takes certain aspects of information in history or in any topic that appeal to a general audience and makes them relevant to the here and now. Gould uses his unique style to condense the key contributions of influential figures into a single essay. He also uses his own seemingly mundane experiences to make larger points. In this essay, one could see that readers will be enthralled to read from the very first page. He uses ordinary language but this does not mean that the depth of his words and thoughts would suffer. One can also see that he uses different perspectives in looking at the problem and not just contained in his expertise. He definitely succeeded in this persuasion essay if what he really wants was to open the eyes of the public to the negative effects of eugenics in our lives. Gould captures the emotions of the readers by using information that is both scientific and historical. However, if one questions whether Gould was impartial or objective then one would say that he was impartial. Although he did not directly state it in the essay, one could feel his emotions when one is reading through the article. Gould has established an interesting point in this essay. It was fascinating to see how he had developed the theme and wrapped it up. The essay was like a more structured version of a good and intellectual conversation. Gould has his own unique philosophy of science that has influenced both his career and his life. That philosophy can best be summed up in a quotation from Charles Darwin, frequently cited by Gould as a sound principle of philosophy: â€Å"All observation must be for or against some view if it is to be of any service. † (Darwin) Gould has followed Darwin’s advice throughout his career and his extensive writings.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

CRIMINAL JUSTICE MANAGEMENT Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

CRIMINAL JUSTICE MANAGEMENT - Term Paper Example Yet, if, in the process of preparing to commit a crime, another crime is executed out by any of the conspirators, the remaining conspirators would be deemed as culpable of the felony as much as the actual perpetrator. The US’s Supreme Court decisions in the cases of Enmund v. Florida (1982) and Tison v. Arizona (1987) are basically seeking to separate innocent accomplices from guilty ones during prosecution and sentencing. In the former case, the Court limited the putting of accomplices in murder cases to death to when the individual in question does not kill, try to kill, or predict that a killing would happen or lethal force would be used. But in Tison v. Arizona (1987), the Court widened the scope of executing murder accomplices, perhaps because most of them are major participants in the crime. In light of these bodies of law, murder accomplices should be executed because they are oftentimes guilty of aiding and or abetting the crime by their actions or omissions (Fears 1). In this case, with the armed Reneau setting out the commit the robbery, Wood cannot claim that he did not foresee the use of lethal force and or murder in the convenient store; therefore, he should be put to death. Criminal culpability and sentencing requires the meeting of actus reus (guilty act) and mens rea (guilty mind) conditions in the successful trial of a suspect. In light of these doctrines, an accomplice in a felony murder may be less guilty than the actual murderer by virtue of the lack of mens rea. This implies that an accomplice may be actively involved in a crime (by act) and not by mind. As such, subjecting such an accomplice to death sentence would be tantamount to miscarriage of justice (Crump 1156). According to Garberg and Libkuman (554), except for cases in which the principal criminal was not actually the principal, in the

Friday, September 27, 2019

Personality & Emotional Developement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Personality & Emotional Developement - Essay Example These include communication, critical thinking, and creativity. Communication enables a child to explore the surrounding by asking questions and in turn get feedback. Through communication, one is able to express opinions and feelings in a comprehensive and social manner, and therefore, enhance development. Secondly, is critical thinking as another social skill that enhances social development. Critical thinking enables an individual to evaluate the activities that he or she engages in, and the manner in which tasks involved are accomplished. Critical thinking in turn enables one to make substantive determinations before engaging in any task. By developing such skills, such individuals are able to identify various aspects about a task and adopt means of accomplishment. Lastly, is the skill of creativity. Children with the ability to generate new ideas towards various aspects indeed develop faster socially and easily incorporated into the society (Hagan, 2003). Family setups also influence communication, critical thinking, and creativity in a child’s development. First, is the aspect of unity in families, which contribute significantly towards the positive development of a child. Unity enables a child to communicate freely with the parents and siblings because of the conducive environment. Unity also influences the sharing of ideas among family members and hence initiates the development of new ideas through creativity. Critical thinking skills are also developed when individuals desire a common goal, an aspect of family unity. Care in a family also influences development of children socially. Communication enhances the chances of care and support from family members. Children develop critical thinking skills and become creative when proper care is provided in the family. This provides a calm environment in which a child is able to develop better thinking skills. As much as the family environment

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Chapter 11 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Chapter 11 - Essay Example Overall, their impact on national and global economies has been benign. Irrespective of the cyclical booms and busts of technology driven economies, they tend to improve the standard of living for people. 3. Many people believe that the government should regulate business with respect to privacy online, but companies say self-regulation is more appropriate. Which approach would benefit consumers most? Business? A self-regulatory approach will be a better option, for it frees online businesses of cumbersome governmental regulation, which would have thwarted technological progress. Moreover, consumers can take care of their own interests, in that they can promote or condemn a particular brand based on the quality and safety it offers. So allowing businesses to self-regulate would be the best option. Intellectual property is the concept of ownership associated with a creative work. This work could either be technological innovation or artistic creation. Owners of intellectual property can protect their rights by taking a patent or copyright for their work, which will give them legal protection against theft and false claims of ownership. Bioethics refers to the field of inquiry pertaining to ethical and moral dimensions of biological research. Since most of the moral principles are derived from a human standpoint, it is possible that the rights to existence and fair treatment of lesser species are taken lightly. Of late, the advent of stem-cell research has opened up new dimensions of ethical dilemma, as it entails human cloning. Given the controversies surrounding GM foods, it is prudent to label them as such. So far, no extensive studies have been done on the effects of prolonged consumption of GM foods for humans. And till such a time comes when the safety of the GM variety is firmly established, it is an ethical imperative for agricultural companies to forewarn consumers of possible risks. A strategic

Cash Flow Statement Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Cash Flow Statement Analysis - Essay Example 2012). Operating activities are the main activities of the business because they reflect the underlying health of the company. It reflects the money that comes into and leaves the firm that is associated with the ordinary activities of the company (Warren, et al. 2012). Based on the above analysis of operating activities of the five companies, it is clear that Emaar Properties PJSC is the best performing firm because it generates most of its income from its primary activities compared to the remaining four. This implies that Emaar Properties PJSC is putting more emphasis on its core activities than the other companies hence more income from operating activities. Additionally, it shows that the operating activities of the company are more vibrant than the other firms. At 63.72%, Emaar has a good performance because its primary activities generate more than half of the total revenue. The second company, Deyaar PJSC Development, also has a good performance because it generates most of its income from its core business activities. The third company, Drake & Scull International PJSC, is also performing well because it has a positive net cash flow from operating activities. The third and fourth positions are taken by Arabtec Holding PJSC and Al Mazaya Holding respectively. From the analysis, it is clear that all the companies are good investments and the investors will be willing to invest in any of them because they produce a net positive cash flow from operating activities (Kapil, 2011). This implies that all the companies are putting more emphasis in their core activities thus more income from operating activities. However, investors would prefer Emaar because it generates more cash from their core business activities. The net cash flows from investing activities largely reflects the amount of cash associated with the sale and purchase of long-term business investments (capital expenditures) like assets, property, securities and equipment. From the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Determining Best Practices of Effective School Communication Dissertation

Determining Best Practices of Effective School Communication - Dissertation Example As the purpose of the study is to research highly dependable communicative means to be used by schools, it is also the aim of this study to validate that motivation of the parents help school-going students to perform better. The introduction to the topic includes a background to the research topic of determining best practices of effective school communication, the problem statement, the purpose statement, research questions, theoretical framework, nature of the research, scope of the research, its assumptions, limitations and delimitations, besides the importance of the research work in the context of its implications for social change, ending in the summary of the introduction. Research Theory and Research Strategy Methodology for the research is theory based, totally depending on qualitative research method for the analysis of the conducted research. A qualitative research needs to comprehend processes, happenings, and connections between them from social and cultural perspective s. Qualitative research demands no numerical calculations to prove the facts, as it is based on direct information availing from people and social communities in favorable surroundings (Sociology, 2003). As my research is based on similar tenets of interviewing parents on how communication level with school teachers can be enhanced and find out the causes of their inactivity in participation, the qualitative research method is the right choice. My research strategy will be segregated into three phases, first is the introductory phase, which will be followed by the second phase, the main event, after which validation, the third phase will take off. In the first phase the concept of effective school communication with given objectives of the research will be marked for piloting. The distinct aspect of qualitative research is that it helps in explaining the topic and understanding the issues in natural settings on the basis of the experiences, beliefs, and thinking of all participants (Sociology, 2003). The interview of participating parents in the first stage will help in briefing the parents the purpose of the interview in the informal way. The second phase will touch all the research questions deeply, to elicit participants’ opinions on each one of all the five research questions. As the research design of my methodology is observer-participant, the data description will state the behavior, reaction, and practices of the parents. Parents’ answers will be analyzed to get relevant inputs (Sociology, 2003). My role of observing the parents will be very significant here, to correctly state their views and experiences. I need to be friendly enough with the participating parents to create the perfect setting where they express their anguish or appreciation of the school administration without any inhibitions. Further, my qualitative phenomenological research will help in discussing the singular critical question, as experienced by various participants. The phenomenological methodology research strategy will assist me in understanding the parents’ perspectives, as observed from their angle. There are other methodological roots, as symbolic inter-action and ethnography, employed in qualitative field research but phenomenological

Monday, September 23, 2019

Charles Wilbert White and David Hammons - Finding cross-influence Research Paper

Charles Wilbert White and David Hammons - Finding cross-influence through a semiotic perspective - Research Paper Example Hammonds attended the Chouinard art institute in Los Angeles, California from1966 to 1968.Later he attended the Otis Art Institute where one of his teachers was the renowned Charles White. Hammonds finally settled in the city of New York from where he mostly worked. He is recognized as a performance artist, installation artist, and sculptor. Hammons made a significant contribution to the world of art. His work speaks of overtones of culture that employ provocative materials and aspects, for example chicken parts, strands of hair, and cheap wine bottles and elephant dung. Although some critics heavily criticized this, Hammons saw some kind of ritualistic power in them and that was the reason that he used them so frequently. Hammons work is generally centered in the black urban setting experience. He uses elements like sarcasm and irony to confront cultural stereotyping and race related issues. Hammons received the MacArthur Fellowship award in 1991. David Hammons first gained his popu larity through a series of highly creative and magnificent body prints body paints that saw revolution in the American paints art industry in the early 1970’s. One of his most popular and greatest art works is the paintwork entitled the injustice case of the 1973 drawn in Los Angeles. This highly contradictive paintwork raised numerous concerns especially in relation to contemporary racial issue that was most prevalent in the United States during those times. Hammons is an example of an artist that used a large number of visual styles and therefore he did not restrict himself to a single style. This made him stand out among other artists of his generation. Hammons works have been collected and exhibited in various art shows and seminars although he mostly prefers to sell his collections privately. Some of the institutions that have collected Hammonds works include The Contemplary Art Museum in Chicago, The New York Museum of modern art and the Museum of Contemplary Art in Chi cago amongst others. Hammons art sought to understand the place of Black people in American society. This is more vivid in his work though in a variety of ways and use of different kinds of media. This he did by avoiding one signature visual style. He shared lots of concern of why the blacks were never allowed to participate in many public affairs and could not be seen contributing to nation building (Constance 63). With the cross-cultural society and tension among the various cultural groups, his work managed to point out both private and public gaps and tried to define the components of a highly valued product. Illustration of such is found in Bliz-aard Ball Sale of 1983, which is his performance work putting himself alongside street vendors in downtown Manhattan in order to sell snowballs whose prices vary with their sizes. This brought about paradox on the product being exchanged and clears information on the capitalistic nature of art. It is satirical in the sense that it broug ht the whiteness, criticizing luxury of racial classification. He also tried to put across social realities faced by the street vendors who have been discriminated against by virtue of their class or race. As

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Violent Pride Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Violent Pride - Term Paper Example On the contrary, as Baumeister will conclude, egotism and feeling of superiority are the major reasons of violence towards others. The researcher writes that counselors, teachers and social worker of the US have always had a wrong and groundless view on the reasons of violence. As a result, what they, together with the parents of aggressive or violent yang people, were doing is trying to improve the kids’ opinion of themselves and their self-esteem. For this reason, as Baumeister observes, many competitions give awards to all the participants, parents and teachers are afraid to criticize children and social institutions encourage youth to perform various kinds of feel-good exercises. Roy F. Baumeister considers such behavior inappropriate since, as he claims, no one has ever proved that low self-esteem is the cause of aggressiveness. The very first statement that helps the author in his research is that self-esteem is relatively stable. Though small fluctuations may take place every day, they are not significant enough to influence the overall picture. However, the correlation between self-esteem level and manifestations of violence exist. While reviewing literature, the author finds out that people with high but unstable self-esteem are the most aggressive. This and other findings lead Baumeister to the conclusion the low self-esteem theory is faulty. The scientists gather a group of people and gather data on the participants’ self-concepts and level of narcissism. The results showed that though people with high-self esteem are not necessarily narcissistic, those with a high level of narcissism have, in most cases, high self-esteem. They also measured the people’s aggression and, finally, evaluated threatened-egotism responses. Finally, the major conclusion of the studies stated that narcissists who receive insulting criticism are the most aggressive individuals. The scientists also point out that high opinions of themselves shown by aggre ssive people do not hide low self-esteem behind them. They also outline that a narcissist is not aggressive by nature. One becomes such only if gets an external stimuli – an insult. So the theory of threatened egotism takes into account both internal peculiarities and external situations. In general the article is rather well written. The author uses clear and simple language, explains the major concepts that might be not easy to understand for a person not related to the field of psychology. The report is well structured, has an introduction, the main body and a conclusion. The subheadings that divide the content into smaller parts cannot, however, be said to explain the content of the parts following them. ‘Take a Swig, Take a Swing’ subheading, for instance, does not tell much about what the subpart of the report will be about. The same can be said about the ‘What about Deep Down’ and other subheadings used by the writer. In the general, the ideas of the author are presented in a rather clear and concise manner. Baumeister explains why he decided to conduct such a study, what the implications were, and how the study itself was conducted. At the same time, it can be noticed that the results of the literature review of the author show that there are not works that discover the relation between low self-esteem and aggressiveness.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Impact of Technology on Our Society Essay Example for Free

Impact of Technology on Our Society Essay When we speak of the impact of technology on society, we always talk about the positive effects of technology and about how technology has made life easy. We talk about the Internet as an information resource and a communication platform and conveniently ignore the fact that an overexposure to it leads to Internet addiction. We often discuss how technology has made life easy but easily forget that it has made us overly dependent on it. Have you thought of the impact of technology from this point of view? I am sure, most of you havent. Let us look at this aspect of technology here. Think of the days when there were no computers and no modern means of transport. Human life was highly restricted due to the unavailability of technological applications. Daily life involved a lot of physical activity. Life of the common man was not as luxurious as that of modern times, but he was more active. Exercise was integrated into routine physical activities. It was contrary to the sedentary lifestyle of today, which leaves no time for exercise and fills days with inactivity and laze. Today we dont want to, and thanks to technology, dont even need to, walk, move around or exert physically to get things done. We have the world is at our fingertips. We think of technology as a boon to society. I am afraid; its not completely a boon. The Internet has bred many unethical practices like hacking, spamming and phishing. Internet crime is on the rise. The Internet, being an open platform lacks regulation. There is no regulation on the content displayed on websites. Internet gambling has become an addiction for many. Overexposure to the Internet has taken its toll. In this virtual world, you can be who you are not, you can be virtually living even after you die. Isnt this weird? Children are spending all their time playing online and less or almost no time playing on the ground. Youngsters are spending most of their time social networking, missing on the joys of real social life. Think of the days when there were no online messengers, no emails and no cell phones. Indeed cellular technology made it possible for us to communicate over wireless media. Web communication facilities have worked wonders in speeding long-distance communication. On the other hand, they have deprived mankind of the warmth of personal contact. Emails replaced handwritten letters and communication lost its personal touch. With the means of communication so easily accessible, that magic in waiting to reach someone and the excitement that followed have vanished. Moreover, we have become excessively dependent on technology. Is so much of dependency good? Is it right to rely on machines to such an extent? Is it right to depend on computers rather than relying on human intellect? Computer technology and robotics are trying to substitute for human intellect. With the fast advancing technology, we have started harnessing artificial intelligence in many fields. Where is the digital divide going to take us? How is our tomorrow going to be? Machines replacing human beings does not portray a rosy picture, does it? It can lead to serious issues like unemployment and crime. An excessive use of machines in every field can result in an under-utilization of human brains. Over time, we may even lose our intellectual abilities. You know of the declining mathematical abilities in children due to use of calculators since school, dont you? The impact of technology on society is deep. It is both positive and negative. Technology has largely influenced every aspect of living. It has made life easy, but so easy that it may lose its charm one day. One can cherish an accomplishment only if it comes after effort. But everything has become so easily available due to technology that it has lost its value. There is a certain kind of enjoyment in achieving things after striving for them. But with everything a few clicks away, there is no striving, theres only striking. With the developments in technology, we may be able to enjoy all the pricey luxuries in life but at the cost of losing its priceless joys.

Friday, September 20, 2019

What is scalability ?

What is scalability ? ABSTRACT: The rapid development of large clusters built with commodity hardware has highlighted scalability issues with deploying and effectively running system software in large clusters. The concept of scalability applies to business and technology. In this the base concept is consistent i.e., the ability for a business or a technology to accept increased volume without impacting the revenue variable costs. For example in some cases the variable cost will increase and reduce the revenue variable costs. INTRODUCTION TO SCALABILTY: It is a performance measure for the execution of the software that refers to its ability to accommodate expanding traffic measures like number of users, activity of each user and so on. In telecommunications and software engineering, scalability is a desirable property of system, network, process which indicates its ability to either handle growing amounts of work in a graceful manner or to be readily enlarged. For example, it can refer to the capacity of the system to increase total throughput under an increased load when resources are added. Scalability is generally difficult to define and in some case we define the specific requirements for scalability on some important dimensions. It is a highly significant issue in database, routers and networking. Scalable system is the system whose performance improves after adding hardware proportional to the capacity added is called scalable system. An algorithm, design, networking protocol, program or other system is sad to scale if it is suitably efficient and practical when applied to large situations. If the design fails when the quantity increases then it does not scale. IMPORTANCE OF SOFTWARE SCALABILITY: Software scalability analysis is an important issue for most businesses. It is essential that as the customer base increases, the system has to deal with significantly increased loads, the system is designed to handle the increased traffic so that the users do not encounter unacceptable system performance. Scalability is an important goal for many software development projects and software installations because without scalability success might be hampered by poor performance as observed by end users. MEASUREMENT FO SOFTWARE SCALABILITY: The various dimensions by which the scalability can be measured are: Load scalability: it is the ability of a distributed system to easily expand and contract its resource pool to accommodate heavier or lighter loads. Geographic scalability: It is the ability to maintain performance, usefulness, or usability regardless of the expansion from concentration in the local area to a more geographic pattern. Administrative scalability: The ability for an increasing number of organizations to easily share a single distributed system. Functional scalability: The ability to enhance the system by adding new functionality at minimal effort. DESIGN FOR SCALABILITY: It is often advised to focus system design on hardware scalability rather than on capacity. It is typically cheaper to add a new node to a system in order to achieve improved performance than to partake in performance tuning to improve the capacity that each node can handle. But this approach can have diminishing returns (as discussed in performance engineering). For example: suppose a portion of a program can be sped up by 70% if parallelized and run on four CPUs instead of one. If ÃŽ ± is the fraction of a calculation that is sequential, and 1 − ÃŽ ± is the fraction that can be parallelized, then the maximum speed up that can be achieved by using P processors is given according to Amdahls Law:. Substituting the values for this example, we get If we double the compute power to 8 processors we get Doubling the processing power has only improved the speedup by roughly one-fifth. If the whole problem was parallelizable, we would, of course, expect the speed up to double also. Therefore, throwing in more hardware is not necessarily the optimal approach. WEAK v/s STRONG SCALING: In the context of high performance computing there are two common notions of scalability. The first is strong scaling, which is defined as how the solution time varies with the number of processors for a fixed total problem size. The second is weak scaling, which is defined as how the solution time varies with the number of processors for a fixed problem size per processor. EXAMPLES: A scalable online transaction processing system can be upgraded and can be used to produce more transactions by means of adding new processors, devices and storage that can be upgraded easily. It is also called as database management system. If the size of the necessary routing table on each node grows as O (log N) then the routing protocol is considered as scalable with respect to the network size where N is the number of nodes in the network. The distributed nature of the Domain Name System allows it to work efficiently even when all hosts on the worldwide Internet are served, so it is said to scale well. Some early peer-to-peer implementations of Gnutella had scaling issues. Each node query flooded its requests to all peers. The demand on each peer would increase in proportion to the total number of peers, quickly overrunning the peers limited capacity. Other P2P systems like Bit Torrent scale well because demand on each peer is independent of the total number of peers. There is no centralized bottleneck, so the system may expand indefinitely without the addition of supporting resources. SCALE VERTICALLY v/s HORIZONTALLY: Methods of adding more resources for a particular application fall into two broad categories: 1) SCALE VERTICALLY( SCALE IN): To scale vertically (or scale up) means to add resources to a single node in a system, typically involving the addition of CPUs or memory to a single computer. Such vertical scaling of existing systems also enables them to leverage Virtualization technology more effectively, as it provides more resources for the hosted set of Operating system and Application modules to share. Taking advantage of such resources can also be called scaling up, such as expanding the number of Apache daemon processes currently running 1) SCALE HORIZONTALLY (SCALE OUT) To scale horizontally (or scale out) means to add more nodes to a system, such as adding a new computer to a distributed software application. An example might be scaling out from one web server system to three. As computer prices drop and performance continues to increase, low cost commodity systems can be used for high performance computing applications such as seismic analysis and biotechnology workloads that could in the past only be handled by supercomputers. Hundreds of small computers may be configured in a cluster to obtain aggregate computing power which often exceeds that of single traditional RISC processor based scientific computers. This model has further been fuelled by the availability of high performance interconnects such as Myrinet and InfiniBand technologies. It has also led to demand for features such as remote maintenance and batch processing management previously not available for commodity systems. The scale-out model has created an increased demand for shared data storage with very high I/O performance, especially where processing of large amounts of data is required, such as in seismic analysis. This has fuelled the development of new storage technologies such as object storage devices. TRADEOFFS: There are tradeoffs between the two models. Larger numbers of computers means increased management complexity, as well as a more complex programming model and issues such as throughput and latency between nodes; also, some applications do not lend themselves to a distributed computing model. In the past, the price differential between the two models has favoured scale out computing for those applications that fit its paradigm, but recent advances in virtualization technology have blurred that advantage, since deploying a new virtual system over a hypervisor (where possible) is almost always less expensive than actually buying and installing a real one. CONCLUSION: Scalable system software has become an important factor to the RCF for efficiently deploying and managing our rapidly growing Linux cluster. It allows us to monitor the status of individual cluster servers in near-real time, to deploy our Linux image in a fast and reliable fashion across the cluster and to access the cluster in a fast, parallel manner. Because not all of our system software needs can be addressed from a single source, it has become necessary for us to use a mix of RCF-designed, open-source and vendor-provided software to achieve our goal of scalable system software architecture.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Limited Liability Essay -- Business Finance

The term â€Å"Limited liability† is generally used to describe a situation where a person is excused entirely or in part from incurring a debt after taking an action which would have required under the prevailing rules of the legal system that they pay money. The doctrine of limited liability as it relates to corporate law is central to the principle that a company upon incorporation assumes a corporate personality independent of its members. This means that a new legal person is created at law and accordingly has its own assets, liabilities and rights, inter alia, to enter into and be bound by its own contracts. In some respects, the name, â€Å"Limited liability† Company is greatly misunderstood. It is a common faux pas to think that the liability of the company for its various debts is limited and that the doctrine was created as a loophole by which the company can get out of its contractual obligations. This is however not the case as on the occasion of insolvency, a company must liquidate all its assets to meet the demands of the creditors. Where the value of these assets is insufficient, the company will call on the unpaid share capital of its members or the amount which they have agreed to contribute to the assets of the company in an event of it being wound up . It is the liability of these members that is limited and not that of the company. There are also exceptional circumstances where courts will allow creditors pierce the â€Å"corporate veil† making it mandatory for shareholders to satisfy creditors’ claims. Hence for the shareholder, limited liability mea ns participation in a company with limited risk. For the creditor however, it means the very real risk that in the event of bankruptcy he could remain unpaid for g... ...panies and subsidiaries- The corporate veil [1991] company Lawyer 12(1) pp 16-17 Ireland P (2010), â€Å" Limited liability, shareholder rights and the problem of corporate irresponsibility†, Cambridge journal of Economics, vol 34, pp837-856 Ibid Hatfield was one of a long series of fatal rail accidents in which Rail track’s working practices and safety record was implicated. Blankenburg,S and Plesch, D (2007) â€Å"Corporate rights and responsibilities: restoring legal accountability† Retrieved on 12th of February 2012 from and responsibilities- restoring-legal-accountability-html Ireland P (2010), â€Å" Limited liability, shareholder rights and the problem of corporate irresponsibility†, Cambridge journal of Economics, vol 34, pp837-856 ibid ibid

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Rememory in Toni Morrisons Beloved Essay -- Toni Morrison Beloved Ess

Rememory in Toni Morrison's Beloved To survive, one must depend on the acceptance and integration of what is past and what is present. In her novel Beloved, Toni Morrison carefully constructs events that parallel the way the human mind functions; this serves as a means by which the reader can understand the activity of memory. "Rememory" enables Sethe, the novel's protagonist, to reconstruct her past realities. The vividness that Sethe brings to every moment through recurring images characterizes her understanding of herself. Through rememory, Morrison is able to carry Sethe on a journey from being a woman who identifies herself only with motherhood, to a woman who begins to identify herself as a human being. Morrison glorifies the potential of language, and her faith in the power and construction of words instills trust in her readers that Sethe has claimed ownership of her freed self. The structure of Morrison's novel, which is arranged in trimesters, carries the reader on a mother's journey beginning with th e recognition of a haunting "new" presence, then gradually coming to terms with one's fears and reservations, and finally giving birth to a new identity while reclaiming one's own. Morrison characterizes the first trimester of Beloved as a time of unrest in order to create an unpleasant tone associated with any memories being stirred. Sethe struggles daily to block out her past. The first thing that she does when she gets to work is to knead bread: "Working dough. Working, working dough. Nothing better than that to the day's serious work of beating back the past" (Morrison 73). The internal and external scars which slavery has left on Sethe's soul are irreparable. Each time she relives a memory, she ... with Sethe. She not only searches for her face, but wants to be that face. In taking ownership of herself, Sethe unshackles herself from the ghosts of her past. Beloved has helped Sethe to free herself, and now can finally depart. Beloved takes Sethe's complex past and from it lifts one of life's simple truths: only you can define yourself. Sethe is finally free and at peace. From spiteful to loud to quiet, 124 Bluestone Road has evolved just as the characters have. All have remembered. Redemption comes because the past has been reconciled. Forgetting comes only with the pain of remembering, and in a world of rememories, we are bound to bump in to one of our own. Morrison gives birth to a story and in doing so claims ownership for herself, which is something only she could do. Works Cited Morrison, Toni. Beloved. New York: Plume, 1987.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Designing a Butterfly Garden for the Blind :: Architecture Design Essays

Designing a Garden for the Blind Nature is so beautiful. It is unfair that due to uncontrollable circumstances, some people are unable to fully enjoy it. That is up until now. With the new wave of handicap focused services such as restaurants for the blind, even the blind can experience life the way it should be experienced, which is why I have designed a garden for the blind, or Jardin de la Nuit(Garden of the Night). I will begin explaining my design by describing the path that has been chosen for this project. It is based on the land behind Hume that has a downward slope and a creek. The path begins behind Hume West near the sidewalk. It starts towards the creek and turns around the tree and stones placed to the left. It then continues toward the creek to the left of the trees and bench. There is then a path already warn down from excessive use that will be followed back up towards the Hume buildings. The path will then pass to the right of the two benches and around the large oak tree back towards the beginning of the path. Since the land is really steep in this area, the rails already existing will be used to walk up towards the buildings. The path will follow the curve of the railings back towards the creek. Here the land is really steep and hard to walk down. In order to use the least amount of effort, the path will then zigzag down the slope where it will finally end down by the creek near Hume East. The plants and herbs that have been chosen are fragrant, textured or edible. Some are a combination of these criteria. In order to prevent sensual overload I have alternated between the three. This will help set a pattern and allow the visitors to know what to expect and how to experience each. For example, at the beginning of the path there will be basil, an edible herb usually used for seasoning. Around the stones and tree, jasmine will be planted, which has a very soothing and strong scent. After leaving the stones towards the creek, there will be lamb’s ear, which is very soft, followed by another edible plant.

Green Case

1. What factors contributed to Andrew Keller starting the biodiesel business? Were you surprised at the reasons he gave for starting the business? Do you think the decision to start the business was wise? Why or why not? There were a number of factors that contributed to Andrew Keller starting the biodiesel business. Keller had always been concerned with the environment. He was interested in coming up with a greener alternative to home heating and fueling. This was a business venture that not many had taken on so Keller felt that it was a good opportunity.There were also some very personal reasons that Keller started this business. Through a phone call one day, Andrew and his wife found out that they would be taking in three children. Keller knew he needed to do something in order to support them and this is why he took on this venture. Yes, some of his reasons he gave for starting the biodiesel business. I figured that his only reason for starting this business was to impact the Ear th in a positive way. It was surprising to read the more personal reasons.I do feel that the decision to start the business was wise. Starting up this business caused him to take a huge risk but sometimes in life you have to do that. If you have a good idea, you need to just go with it because it can turn out to be really successful. 2. Discuss how Andrew Keller is a social entrepreneur. What do you think were his strengths in running the company? What do you see as his main weaknesses? Discuss an action that Andrew undertook that was both good for sustainability and the business.Discuss an action that Andrew undertook that may have been good sustainability but not good for the business. Andrew Keller was not as fortunate financially compared to other entrepreneurs. To many people, the time of the year when Keller started the business may not look very smart but it actually was. Keller’s goal was to test the market and try to get early customers. He learned greatly from this experience. This is known as the soft market entry approach. It gave him the chance to make improvements before the season for home heating began in the Northeast.Due to the fact that most people already have the fueling and heating company that they have made business with for years, it is hard to start up one. Keller was very smart when dealing with customers. In order for him to be successful, Keller needed to educate customers on his product and how it will benefit them. A major strength that helped Andrew with running his company is the relations he had with people. When opening a business, it is almost necessary to you to have connections and Keller definitely did.Another one of Keller’s strength was that he is great marketer. He was really good in finding ways to reach out to his customers. His main weakness has to be that he was more focused on how he was benefitting the environment and the social aspects of it rather than the profit he was making. He neglected the fi nancial side of the business. An action Keller took that was both good for the sustainability and the business was when he started the Congreenience store. It promoted the sustainability for the company, educated more people, and brought much more business.Keller was always focused on doing the right thing for environment which was good for the sustainability but not always good for the business. He wasn’t very much focused on making profit. 3. Do you think that Andrew Keller is well suited to be a successful entrepreneur, why or why not? I do think that Andrew Keller has the potential to be a successful entrepreneur, but he does lack some qualities that are necessary for an entrepreneur to have. He definitely has the knowledge and skill but doesn’t really have the mindset that entrepreneurs should have.One of the main reasons Keller started this business is because he was concerned with the environment but in reality, it is not only about that. Keller should have been more concerned with the profit side. A successful entrepreneur is usually very much focused on becoming successful and making a lot of money and I think that Keller wasn’t really focused on that as much as he should have been. I do not think he is well suited enough to be a successful entrepreneur.He does have certain qualities that are good to have but he needs to be more aggressive with the business and not just the sustainability of the company. 4. What similarities do you think a sustainable business start up shares with a â€Å"normal business† start up? What differences do you think there are? Discuss an example of a business challenge that both Simply Green and a conventional fuel dealer share? Discuss an example of a business challenge that was unique to Simply Green and would not have impacted a conventional fuel dealer from the chapter.A sustainable business and a normal business have many financial similarities. They both start out needing capital. Also, th ey need to come up with a marketing strategy to plan how they are going to educate customers on their product. A business plan is also necessary in order to be successful and make profit. Differences include the fact that a sustainable business focuses on the sustainability of the environment and the company and a normal business does not do that. Unlike a normal business, a sustainable business looks for employees who care about the environment.A challenge that both Simply Green and a conventional fuel dealer share is the licensing and regulatory process of entering the fuel industry. Every fueling and heating company has to be regulated. A challenge that was unique to Simply Green and would not have impacted a conventional fuel dealer from the chapter is that Simply Green was entering a market that is very competitive and most people stay loyal to their fuel dealers for very long. Since Simply Green is a sustainable company, it is much harder for them to attract customers.Simply G reen had to put it more effort when selling their product to customers. 5. Discuss the charitable actions that Simply Green took in regards to customer accounts from failed fuel businesses in a triple bottom line context. Was this a smart business move? Why or why not? Simply Green was known for serving the community and this is a way they built their customer base. Several fueling companies went out of business and Simply Green took it into their hands to service the customers of these companies who are now out of business. They helped people in need.This was definitely a smart move because all those companies’ customers were now Simply Green customers. For their charitable actions, they received an award as well. This made them more popular and brought them more business. 6. Explain how Andrew Keller used low cost public relations to educate potential customers and promote Simply Green. Simply Green used different types of marketing strategies and public relations to educat e potential customers. Their main focus was to do this without spending too much money. They did this by going almost any place to talk to people and promote their product.Andrew Keller said, â€Å"We didn’t care if it was a first graders’ classroom that we were going to, we would go in and talk. † 7. Describe how you might use personal contacts to start a business venture. What would that involve? How would you start? What type of people would be most useful to draw on for information and resources when starting a sustainable business? When starting a business, it is always important to have connections. I would use personal contacts to start a business venture because you may know someone who knows someone and that is how you form connections.When starting a business, you need as much help and information you can get so you need to take advantage of people who you think may be able to provide that information. I would start by listing names of people who I thi nk may have useful information for me. People who have already opened a business and been successful with it would be the most useful. Also, it is important to be willing to talk to anyone. As Andrew describes it, â€Å"it was important not to be afraid to ask people that might know somebody or that might have an in with somebody that might have information we were looking for. †

Monday, September 16, 2019

College Dorm vs Apartment

Going off to college after eighteen year of rules and restrictions underneath your parents’ roof can be a very exciting experience, but is it all that it appears to be? There are many pros and cons when it comes to both living at home, and in a college dorm. Fortunately for me I have been able to experience living in all three and I can definitely say that living in a college dorm is the better option. At first glance a college dorm seems like the best thing that has ever happened to you especially since you will no longer have your parents there to nag you. There are many obvious advantages to living in a college dorm.One of these advantages is the most obvious, you don’t have to follow all the rules that your parents have laid out for you, of course there will still be rules in your dorm but you will still have a sense freedom. There will always be rules in society so you can never escape that. Another major advantage of moving away to a college dorm would definitely be the experience. When I went off to college I met so many different people, learned so many knew things, and had many experiences that I will remember forever. Another pro of living in a dorm is that you finally get to learn how to be independent and truly take care of yourself. Mom won’t be there to wash your clothes or cook for you, so you easily gain knowledge on how to fend for yourself. Lastly, I feel an advantage of living in a dorm is that you learn how to prioritize and be more. You won’t have the luxury of your parents telling you to do your homework, so being away gives you a sense of responsibility and it is basically up to you to make the right decisions. Along with the pros there are always cons. Living in a college dorm is not always the best option. There are definitely setbacks involved in living away from home. A major disadvantage is that college life can be very distracting. There are always going to be parties and other fun things going on which can easy take your mind away from that assignment you have due in the morning. Living in a dorm can possibly jeopardize your GPA. (unknown, 2005, para. 3) A college dorm can also be a disadvantage if you have a horrible roommate. You no longer have the luxury of having your own space which can be very uncomfortable, or even cause another distraction. Living in a dorm room can also be very costly, even if you don’t use all that you are paying for. For example you may pay for a meal plan, but not as much food as you are paying for. (Bram, 2011, para. 9) Although I would definitely choose living in a dorm versus staying at home, there is also a plus to staying under your parent’s roof. The number one advantage of staying at home, in my opinion, is that you have the opportunity to save extraordinary amounts of money. You don’t have to worry about the cost of the dorm, food or any other expenses and you could also get a job. Going away to college is very expensive, so staying at home just a little while longer definitely won’t hurt you or your parents’ pockets. With that being said, we can get a little too comfortable with not having to worry about things financially which can keep us wanting to stay at home longer. The longer you stay at home, the harder it will be to leave later, which I find to be a major con. If for some reason staying at home for a longer time becomes the only option for you, at least you will always be focused. Not being around your peers constantly can absolutely keep you focused, not to mention your parents who will consistently be on your back about keeping grades up. Staying at home is a major advantage when it comes to doing well. Sometimes you have to really list out the positive and negative things about a particular subject to find what the best option for you would be. When it comes to living in a dorm you have freedom and gain experience, but it can be costly. When it comes to living at home you will be more likely to perform better in school, but you will have to abide by your parents rules even as an adult. I looked at all of the pros and cons of each, and still believe that living in a college dorm is a better option, not only for the experience, but because it helps to better prepare you for the future.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Persuasive Essay: Legalizing Marijuana Essay

Marijuana use is on the rise, especially among teenagers and young adults. With the recent laws passed in eight states about legalizing medical marijuana , many stand divided when it comes to this never ending debate, but I firmly believe that this miracle working drug should be legalized throughout the United States. Marijuana is by far the most commonly used illegal drug. Statistics show that over 70 million Americans have tried Marijuana and over 20 million smoked it last year. So it is safe to assume that although marijuana use may decrease in the years to come, as did Heroin and LSD, it is here to stay. Colorado, Nevada, Alaska, California, Hawaii, Maine, Oregon & Washington have already passed laws allowing the use of medical Marijuana. In the fall of 1996, California voters approved the medical marijuana initiative (proposition 215). The act is entitled The Compassionate Use Act of 1996 and its purpose is to give Californians the right to possess and grow marijuana for medical purposes, where the medical use is deemed appropriate and has been recommended by a doctor who has determined the person’s health would benefit from the use of marijuana in the treatment of Cancer, anorexia, AIDS, chronic pain, spasticity, glaucoma, arthritis, migraines, or any other illness for which marijuana provides relief. Nothing in the act permits persons using marijuana for medical purposes to engage in conduct that endangers others, allows distribution of marijuana for non medical purposes or permits the buying or selling of marijuana. Dennis Peron, the man who launched proposition 215 also started the cannabis buyers club in San Francisco. The purpose behind starting this club was to distribute weed to AIDS, cancer and other patients. With only a doctors note the club’s 12,000  members could buy pot and then relax while listening to music, nothing harmful at all! And of course the San Francisco police department eventually closed the club down. The main idea behind legalizing drugs is it’s medical advantages. Marijuana is said to have many uses as healing drug. Marijuana being used as medicine has been studied for many years. In many cultures it is used as medicine and stems back many generations. The first recorded use of marijuana as medicine was in China. It has been said that in Pen Tsao Ching during the first or second century, boiled hemp compound was used as an anesthetic for surgical patients. The compound is said to have many uses including, clearing the blood, cooling temperature, clearing fluxes, undoing rheumatism and discharging pus from patients. China isn’t the only country to use this drug in early times it was introduced in Southeast Asia in the sixteenth century. Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam are said to have current uses of marijuana for medicine. In Cambodia they have an enormous list of uses, including, treating malaria, reliving asthma, calming the nerves, regulating the heart and treati ng paralysis. In Thailand, it’s used in folk medicine as well as in the official medical reports. In folk medicine, people dry the leaves and then boil them to treat migraines and dizzy spells. Marijuana has survived the passing of time and still helps the sick today. The advanced stages of treatment for patients with Cancer, AIDS and other diseases often include, terrible nausea, vomiting, and different types of pain. Patients have reported much relief from these devastating symptoms by using marijuana. The alleviation of said symptoms can be so striking that some patients and their families having been willing to risk jail time to obtain or grow marijuana. Marijuana must be studied and tested more to prove effectiveness but because it is not legal, doctors don’t want to study a drug that they could never use. In 1988 administrative law judge Francis Young found that marijuana in it’s natural form is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man. At present it is estimated that marijuana’s lethal dose is around 1:20,000 or 1:40,000. Or simply put, a smoker would theoretically have to  consume 20,000 to 40,000 times as much marijuana as is contained in one marijuana cigarette or joint, nearly 1500 pounds of marijuana in about fifteen minutes to induce a lethal response. Which basically means marijuana is non-lethal, as it is impossible to consume that much in such a short amount of time. Advocates of legalization raise several points. They claim the there would be fewer people selling drugs because it would be regulated and profits would be cut. They also claim that drug-dealing criminals would virtually vanish causing crime and violence rates to plummet. Legalizing marijuana raises a lot of questions for instance, who would sell the drugs? Private companies? The government? How would legalization affect health insurance and the overall cost of healthcare? And probably the most important question of all, would the use of legalized drugs by employees in certain occupations be prohibited? Since marijuana can remain in the body for weeks after use, would marijuana use by employees in jobs in which safety and security are issues be forbidden, even when off the clock? What about airline pilots, surgeons, police, firefighters, military personnel, bus drivers, railroad engineers, cross country truckers, nuclear reactor operators and even wall street brokers and teachers As far as America is concerned, we are the land of the free . Or are we? Do people have a right to â€Å"get high†? As times change and we progress into the future should our laws change as well? Only time will tell as the war against drugs wages on and the fight to le galized marijuana leaves a country divided. Work Cited LaFave, Kathi. Marijuana As Medicine?. Miller, Lawrence Richard. The Case For Legalizing Drugs. New York: Praeger, 1991 Schaler, Jeffrey A. Drugs. New York: Prometheus Books, 1998 Zimmer, Lynn, Morgan ,John P. Marijuana Myths Marijuana Facts. New York: Lindesmith Center, 1997.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Overview of Qualitative Research Essay

What have sampling and data collection got to do with good qualitative research? My current research project is a mixed phenomenological and meta-analysis of declining membership and participation in the church. Operating on the presumption that sampling and data collection are critical to a study (Gibbs, 2007). Like Gibbs (2007) I want to be guided by the research goal developing theoretical outcomes Gibbs (2007), covering intrinsic participant cognitions, and clearly explaining any limitations (Gibbs et al, 2007). I have decided to reduce the scope of my study to the a case study approach with a Pastor and five Associate Ministers within a single church to which I happen to belong, in the Midwest. I believe these five observers are in the best â€Å"position† to observe this phenomenon and its effects. The information obtained in this first week has led me to the following conclusions concerning sampling and data collection. According to the work of Gibbs, Kealy, Willis, Green, Welch, & Daly (2007), sampling and data collection are intrinsically germane to generalizability (Gibbs et al, 2007). These authors, in agreement with other exceptional researchers, use designs like those of Daly, Willis, Small, Green, et al (2007) who also note that generalizable studies provide a comprehensive analysis of experience (Daly, et al, 2007). There is an imperative for the allowance of immersion to investigate context and population, along with practical constraints operating against sampling and data collection (Gibbs et al, 2007). Qualitative research begins with justification of the research problem with reference to the literature (Gibbs et al, 2007). Qualitative research then according to Willis, Daly, Kealy, Small et al (2007) provides theoretical framework to identify the theoretical conc epts relevant to and employed in the study Willis, et al, 2007). Data is then collected according to a sampling plan, as suggested by Green, Willis, Hughes, and Small, et al, (2007), thus the most acceptable evidence possible, through data analysis  (Green, et al, 2007). The hierarchy of evidence model proposed by Gibbs, et al (2007), offers studies that differing evidences such as the single case study, the descriptive study, the conceptual study, the generalizable study and the interview study (Gibbs et al, 2007). Accordingly transcribed data from verbatim recordings is the most common method of data collection (Gibbs et al, 2007). In these instances individual case studies, are limited by small samples but, capable of provide more information on setting (Gibbs et al, 2007); and Descriptive studies, describe experiences or activities but do not describe their differences (Gibbs et al, 2007). Case and descriptive studies provide good information as long as their limitations are clearly acknowledged (Gibbs et al, 2007). According to Suri (2011), informed decisions concerning sampling are necessary to improving the quality of research (Suri, 2011). Suri additionally points out that data may be retrieved through group discussion, personal journals, follow-up in-depth interviews and researcher field notes (Tuckett and Stewart 2004a, 2004b; Suri, 2011). According to Tuckett, et al 2011 and in agreement with Rubinstein (1994), no rules governing the numbers in sampling apply; however, experiential methods have been used for choosing samples from 1 to 100, with clustering. Some have suggested as few as 12-20 data sources, for the best variation, because no definite rules apply (Baum 2002). Suri notes that according to Patton (1990), some research relies on small samples aiming to study provide depth and thoroughness (Miles and Huberman 1994, Patton 1990). Purposeful sampling is seen as a means for developing rich data, derived non -randomly (Ezzy 2002, Mays and Pope 1995, Reed et al, 1996), Also, accordin g to Lincoln and Cuba (1985) and Higginbotham et al (2001), the desired sample size may unfold, depending on previous studies, allowing the support of emerging theory (Baum 2002, Kuzel 1992, Miles and Huberman1994, Reed et al, 1996). Another issue in data analysis is presented by Sandelowski (2011), when he suggests alternative interpretations of data do not conform to the parameters between methods (Sandelowski, 2011). Sandelowski suggests that taking a view of inquiry as dynamic and flexible rather than static and unchangeable might prevent researchers from succumbing to that follow (Sandelowski, 2011). Sandoelowski also notes that Alvesson and Skoldberg (2009) coined extreme terms such as grounded theory ‘‘dataism’’ (p. 283), the hermeneutic ‘‘narcissism’’, and  critical theory â€Å"reductionism’’ (p. 269). Sandelowski further suggests that data analysis and presentation do not have to be considered as discrete independent operations (Sandelowski, 2011). Recognizing Spalding and Phillips (2007, p. 961), Sandelowski proposed that the use of vignettes will reveal the often concealed author’s vision which Phillips expects will produce do ubt’ (p. 961), inevitably serving to enhance the validity of interpretations (Phillips, 2007, p. 961; (Sandelowski, 2011). Sandelowski finally concludes that recognizing the need to account for problems associated with cognitive flexibility validating qualitative or quantitative inquiry Sandelowski, 2011). In addressing the issue of â€Å"presentation†, I found an article by Simundic (2012), concerning some â€Å"Practical recommendations for statistical analysis and data presentation†. The table below gives a suggestion for what should be included in any presentation of data. In working on the definition of â€Å"saturation† I was able to find the differentiation between the various qualitative methods. The following table is a representation of my findings based on the article by Walker (2012). I was impressed with the definitions provided by this author as he explained the different methods of determining saturation. I found the definitions of to be succinct and to the point, and very helpful in making a decision about which methods to use and when.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Kantianism and Utilitarianism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Kantianism and Utilitarianism - Essay Example This paper will focus on evaluating a euthanasia case of Brophy, using utilitarianism and Kantianism. Brophy is a patient in persistent vegetative state, whose wife expressed the intent of carrying out passive euthanasia.Kantianism. Immanuel Kant described a deontological ethical philosophy titled as ‘Kantianism’. He made it evident that in his view, duty, good will, and moral worth were critical aspects in determining of the action taken. In his view, one could only settle on morally worth decisions when guided by goodwill and duty. He opined that duty was the only reason that should motivate an ethical action (Abel 24). According to him, human beings are moral agents that should use reasoning while making ethical decisions. He highlighted that certain maxims were critical as guidelines of making ethical decisions. These principles were the product and reason and were namely duty, goodwill, and categorical imperative. Goodwill is a critical moral maxim because he highli ghted that without goodwill, any positive trait or action does not qualify to be good (46). Therefore, the will determining why an individual carries out a certain action cannot receive underestimation in deontology. He advanced his views to highlight that the only way in which an individual could exhibit good will was through taking action out of duty.In Kant’s definition, good will denotes the ability of human beings in taking decisions based on principles.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Market feasasbility Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Market feasasbility - Research Paper Example Some of these services are specific to a purpose, such as marketing (Forward Marketing Group) and financing the business operations and employee programs (American Business Advisors). There are a few companies (Start-up Smart and Make-It-Fly) listed that are similar to our business plan, which is to help entrepreneurs gain access to resources and guide them through the process of starting their own company. By analyzing the business consultant market in Denver, I have discovered that there are certain needs that the entrepreneurs require which are not facilitated by the above mentioned companies. For instance, if an entrepreneur wishes to obtain a marketing plan he/she would have to search for a marketing consultant. Then he/she would have to search for a finance consultant. All this process can take precious time of the entrepreneur and therefore delay the process of starting up his own business. What the entrepreneurs need is one stop consultant who can be with them from the start till the business is established and that is the need that my business fulfills. Such consulting businesses can make a huge difference whether the entrepreneurs’ business will be getting off the ground or not. Besides the market need, there is also another reason for choosing Denver, Colorado. The entrepreneurial market in the city is growing at a tremendous rate and because all the existing consultants are focusing on certain aspects, the competition amongst the entrepreneurs would also require them to search for those consultants that offer one stop service to them. I feel confident that Denver, Colorado has room enough for another company based at the southern end of the city, where there is room to grow and develop the entrepreneur spirit. As there are so many ‘business consultants’ who specialize their services to encompass one aspect

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Ethics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 12

Ethics - Assignment Example At the beginning of the study, ethical in nature and was meant to explore the effect of lack of treatment in the black males (Shavers, Lynch & Burmeister, 2000). However, the unethical part comes into focus later on in the study when a cure is, and no one bothers to use it. The team is only interested in the medical side despite the human beings having a right to existence in the availability of treatment. The achievement of scientific and medical results is more important than the health of human beings. Codes of ethics explicitly state that doctors and nurses should not deny their patients treatment for reasons of judgment based on discrimination (American Nurses Association, 2001).The experiment raises many ethical questions on whether it is moral to continue an investigation even after a cure has been discovered. There is also the concern whether professional nurses should allow the public to be misinformed during a research. Nurse Ever had a prior knowledge of what was being researched and the effects that it would have on the subjects. As a professional nurse, the most appropriate action to take was to inform the patients the nature of the study. However, she ignored her duties and participated in the denial of these rights to the patients. Her contribution to the study was a direct violation of the nursing code of ethics (Emanuel, 2003). The Nazi medical experiments are similar to the test that was conducted in blacks in Tuskegee. A conflict of roles is identified; the nurse has a duty to do as the doctors prescribed for the patients. Although what is done is wrong, the primary responsibility of a professional nurse is to obey the doctor’s orders. The nurse should always be concerned with the well-being of the subject, and these should be more important than interests of science (American Nurses Association, 2010). There should be respect for the participants’ right to withdraw from a research a factor that was considered in the film.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Esaay Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Esaay - Essay Example Motel Burundi is a new business which has never been operation in any country or region. After being established, Motel Burundi will operate as a vacation resort with the intent of attracting tourist and workers employed by different non-governmental organizations. The resort will only be functional during specific seasons of the year. However, the lodging sector will operate fully round the year and will open for locals and visitors throughout the week. Motel Burundi will be designed to accommodate master beds with humble space to allow for three sitter chair to be positioned and a kitchenette. It will also have a fully functional restaurant where different delicacies and meals will be provided at the customer’s request. In addition, Motel Burundi will have an in built bar and dance floor, which will cater for entertainment purposes and an effective, fully functional dating agency to offer hookups for single souls visiting the Motel. Motel Burundi target market strategy is to become a destination choice for both locals and international visitors paying Bujumbura a visit for one reason or another. The motel will expect an increase in sales as currently there is no serious motel which provides stiff competition in the hotel market. The motel Burundi statement mission will be to provide an outstanding hotel and lodging facility for all guests visiting the motel. The Motel will focus on personal businesses and group meetings by putting an emphasis on high quality standards in the rooms, bars, foods and dance floor. In addition, Motel Burundi will provide a fair investment return for the owners and all stakeholders responsible for its daily operations. Motel Burundi will be located in Bujumbura the capital city of Burundi. It will be a corporation owned and operated by the sole owner who will also act as the chief Executive Officer; Motel Burundi will be acquired and

Monday, September 9, 2019

Interpretation and criticism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Interpretation and criticism - Essay Example At the time when Sontag wrote this, pop art was very popular, which had room only for experience, but hardly much for interpretation. This was also a fall-out of the fact that art critics just before this time were very eager to categorize every work of art into certain theories and pre-conceived notions, which made way for a very forced manner of looking at things. It is also true that music needs to be analyzed in order to be learned, and this involves the dissection of their beloved medium for music lovers who also yearn to master it. But after one has absorbed the technicalities of music, they become a sort of second nature, and do not hinder the love and appreciations of the art form. In fact, when one is aware of how exactly the music is made, the enjoyment becomes keener. It is just a matter of going through the difficult transitional learning phase without losing interest or ardor. From our discussion here it is clear that analysis and interpretation are necessary in order to appreciate and gain an understanding of art. But it is important to do this while keeping fresh the immediate experience that art provides, so as to fully enjoy it and not impose any meanings that even the artist may not have intended in the first place. Athol

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Equity and Trust Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Equity and Trust - Essay Example However area of conflict had arisen in the proper disposition of these gifts. A detailed description of Neil’s will and the circumstances related to each of the term stated in the will may prove to be helpful in resolving the conflict. Neil’s will states the following terms : -> 30,000 to be given to the â€Å"Supporters of Elfed Hospital† as a gift -> 60,000 to be gifted to the â€Å"Friends of Thomas Hospital† and -> 400,000 to be used to provide benefits to the inhabitants of Elfed and special privilege to be given to the employees of Neil & Co Ltd and their families. Discussing each of the terms in details would give a clear view of the scenario and will also be helpful in advising the executors of Neil on the probable terms of the declarations made. -> 30,000 to be gifted the â€Å"Supporters of Elfed Hospital† A view on the history behind the relationship between Neil and Elfed Hospital reveals that the main factory of Neil & Co Ltd. is situat ed in the village of Elfed. There is every possibility that considering this fact Neil had included this term in his will, for gifting 30,000 to the â€Å"supporters† of Elfed hospital. Though he mentioned the term â€Å"supporters† and as such there is no legal declaration or discrimination for this particular term, it could be well assumed that the main intention behind mentioning this in the will is to provide welfare in terms of monetary benefits to the Elfed hospital and not in particular to any supporters or volunteers or anyone specific as such.

The Coca-Cola Company Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

The Coca-Cola Company - Coursework Example As the research stresses the company enjoys more flexibility in terms of making decisions at the local levels. Decentralization for the company has also played a role in allowing the top management ample time to focus on long term planning. However, while the firm has decentralized most of its operations, there are certain divisions that are still centralized due to their importance. These divisions include, for instance, the human resource, finance, innovation and strategy division. On the other hand, the market for non-alcoholic beverages continues to grow, and Coca-Cola can use its economies of scale to expand its market base. From the report it is clear the company needs to exploit include, for instance, India and China where there is a high demand for soft drinks due to hot climate conditions. In addition, there is also a growing market for still drinks as more customers are focusing health and wellness. Conversely, in order to remain competitive, the company needs to embrace innovation. Through innovation, the company will be in a position to develop a business strategy that is unique to the competition. The Coca-Cola is a multinational company that specializes in the manufacture of soft drinks. A pharmacist known as Stith Pemberton invented the firm’s main product, Coca-Cola in 1886. However, both the formula and Coca-Cola brand was later sold to Asa Candler in 1889, leading to the establishment of The Coca-Cola Company.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Cherokee nation Essay Example for Free

Cherokee nation Essay Wilma Pearl Mankiller was born on November 18th in Tahlequah, the capital of the Cherokee nation, Oklahoma. She lived in Mankiller Flats till she was ten years old. Then her family was moved to California when the Indian Affair Relocation program took place. Her father Charlie Mankiller was a Cherokee whereas her mother Irene Mankiller was of Dutch-Irish origin. Wilma had four sisters and six brothers. Wilma’s great grandfather was one of the many Cherokees who along with Choctaws, Creeks, and other Indian tribes moved along the Trail of Tears to Oklahoma . This was during the removal period in 1830’s. Here in Oklahoma the family was allotted 160 acres of land in eastern Oklahoma at a place called Mankiller Flats, but the land was rugged and it was difficult to eke out a life from it. Thus the family was poor and when Wilma’s father inherited the land he found it difficult to give a good life to his family. He managed to make some money from growing strawberries, peanuts, berries and green beans, cutting timber and picking crops when seasonal work was available. Food for the family was from the vegetable garden supplemented by wild game. Thus when the government’s offer to relocate them once more cropped up Charlie Mankiller was tempted by the prospects of a better life. The family did not wish to move, nevertheless they reached San Francisco only to discover that the relocation program promises were not fulfilled and there was no money. Even employment was very often not available. The children did not like California and was homesick. In her autobiography â€Å"Mankiller: A Chief and her People† Mankiller wrote, â€Å"I experienced my own Trail of Tears when I was a young girl. No one pointed a gun at me or at members of my family. No show of force was used. It was not necessary. Nevertheless, The United States government through the Bureau of Indian Affairs, was once again trying to settle the ‘Indian problem’ by removal. I learned through this ordeal about the fear and anguish that occur when you give up your home, your community, and everything you have ever known to move far away to a strange place. I cried for days, not unlike the children who had stumbled down the Trail of Tears so many years before. I wept tears that came from deep within the Cherokee part of me. They were tears from my history, from my tribe’s past. They were Cherokee tears. † In California Wilma completed her high school and enrolled herself for higher studies. She attended Skyline Junior College and then Francisco State College. It was here that she met her future husband Hector Hugo Olaya. They had two daughters, Felicia born in 1964 and Gina born in 1966. While in college Wilma met the Native Americans who reclaimed the Alcatraz Island. for the Native American people. Many Indians made the bold move to move onto Alcatraz and Wilma got influenced by it. She cherished the thought that her mission in life was to serve her people. She longed for independence to work for her community and this involvement with the community was the reason for the conflict which arose in her marriage. In 1974, she and Hector Hugo were divorced. In the 1960’s there were many social and political movements in America. When Alcatraz was forcefully occupied Wilma Mankiller became aware that the Indians also had rights and these rights had to be protected. She became involved in it and wanted to serve her people to the best of her ability. After Alcatraz she got involved in helping the Pitt River tribe in northern California reclaim their ancestral land. For seven years she worked for them and this prepared her to return to Oklahoma. When her father passed away in 1971 due to kidney failure Wilma was shattered. It â€Å"tore through my spirit like a blade of lightening† she says in her autobiography. Though the family returned to Oklahoma for the burial of Charlie Mankiller, Wilma returned to California after the funeral. Wilma too soon became a prey to kidney failure and though initially it could be treated, she had to undergo surgery and in 1990 she underwent a kidney transplant. Her brother Donald donated his kidney for her. In 1976, two years after her divorce she had returned to Oklahama for good. Here she enrolled herself in a graduate course at the University of Arkansas. Wilma’s will to live and serve her people can be seen in her determination to get well, once when she was involved in a terrible accident and it was thought that she would not survive. Second time was when she developed a muscle disease known as myasthenia gravis. Her life was threatened but her strong will of survival made her fit again.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Medea Greek Mythology Essay Example for Free

Medea Greek Mythology Essay When Medea decides to take matters in to her own hands, about punishing the people who have done wrong to her, she is accused of wanting not justice—vengeance. Because I am not a native of neither Corinth nor Colchis, I have my own view about her motives. However, I would agree with the Corinthian Women, Medea is seeking vengeance; not justice. Some people might argue that Medea is seeking justice. When in actuality, Medea wants vengeance. The opposition would say justice took place because the Gods allowed Medea the time to perform her various acts. Although these things happened Medea turned to vengeance when she took it upon herself to kill Creon and his daughter Creusa. Even the chorus, the â€Å"ideal spectators†, implies that Creon is a poor king when, after he banishes Medea, the First Corinthian Woman sympathizes, â€Å"I am of Corinth and I say that Corinth is not well ruled. †(1. 214-216). This quote gives us proof that Medea has some sort of reason to seek revenge on Creon. However she lets her hatred exceed its boundaries and allows herself to take the lives of the King of Corinth and its Princess all because they chose Jason over her. In addition, her actions all prove that she wants Jason to do more than pay for hurting her. She wants him to suffer at the fate of her own children. Her revenge was selfish. Medea involved the two things she knew would hurt Jason the most—her own children. According to the First Corinthian Woman, â€Å"It would be better for you, Medea if the earth opened her jaws and took you down into darkness. But one thing you will not do, for you cannot, you will not hurt your own children, though wrath like plague-boils aches, your mind in a fire-haze bites the purple apples of pain. No blood-lapping beast of the field, she-bear nor lioness, nor the lean wolf-bitch, hurts her own tender whelps; nor the yellow-eyed, seythe-beaked, and storm shouldered eagle that tears the lambs has ever made prey of the fruit of her own tree. †(2. 115-126). Keep in mind that the Corinthian Women are the conscious of Corinth. Through this quote the First Corinthian Women has stated that Medea could not harm her own children. She even gives examples of the most dangerous predators that don’t even harm their own young. This is evidence that Medea went beyond the state of justice; but she went well into the state of vengeance. Medea knew what she was doing and quite frankly she could care less about anything other than what she thought of what was seeking revenge on Jason. In conclusion, vengeance was sought by Medea. She went above the fact of teaching Jason a lesson; she even stated she hated Jason more than she loved her children. Answer this question is what Medea has done entertaining or morally instructive?

Thursday, September 5, 2019

The Chevrolet Case Study In India Marketing Essay

The Chevrolet Case Study In India Marketing Essay Introduction: Marketing is an integrated interactive methodology of planning, processing and practising the entire chain of advertising, awareness, pricing, promotion, distribution and selling of any product or services serving the individual and organizational objectives of client satisfaction and profit maximization. Web or online marketing is the phenomenon of establishing and perpetuating consumer relationships through internet branding, awareness building and selling in order to encourage and expedite exchange of merchandisable views, commodities and services for mutual advantage. [Source: Imber, Jane and Betsy-Ann Toffler. 2000. Dictionary of Marketing Terms. 3rd ed. Barrons Business Dictionaries] To implement a successful marketing case study it is necessary to winnow all information to strategize and integrate the various marketing management steps taken to derive the solution as enlisted below: a background and introduction to acquaint with the marketing prospects circumstantial scrutiny about the product marketed or service rendered elaborative analysis of the marketing action plans adapted absolute affirmations to substantiate the case study and information [Clemes, Michael D. (2002) p.35] The marketing case study illustrated here is the first hand experience of the writer while working in middle management team of Chevrolet group of General Motors in India successfully strategizing the brand even through web marketing in midst of the companys uncertainties and global recession. Background and the Chevrolet Case Study in India: The global economic recession and probable bankruptcy of General Motors urged the US Government to formulate the Bail out Policy by the White House under the able and diplomatic administration of the United States President Mr. Barack Obama thus reinstating the companys progress and popularity and saving it from the present recession which has affected its other competitors hugely. This case study accounts the direct experience while actively working in India amongst the aggressive marketing team of GMs Chevrolet pioneering marketing and web marketing strategies to attain market leadership through ingenious brand awareness intelligently programmed in line with the vision and values thus steering them successfully in face of global economic melt down. General Motors considered as the colossus of American capitalism has become synonymous with the American lifestyle showering warmth of living in opulence. Moreover, the recent plans and strategies of General Motors to revive the company concentrates focus on their four brands, namely, Chevrolet, Cadillac, Buick and GMC. GM vis-Ã  -vis Chevrolet champions itself as a prestige brand targeting the affluent and aspiring community to position them amongst the renowned stature. Chevrolet additionally advocates brand image for the common corporate class familiarizing them with the brand which is well-acclaimed by the rich and the famous. Hence Chevrolet curves a class of its own synonymous with the prestige and the power of position. With the current fast forward lifestyles and the growing trend to attain social visibility especially in the emerging markets like India consumers generally cannot escape the incessant attraction of gaining conspicuous prominence in the community by possessin g prestige and luxury commodities like classy cars. Conspicuous Consumption depicts the consumers intention to exhibit prominence in affording luxury goods to attain social visibility (Piron, 2000, p.309). Displaying abundance, people who enjoys Conspicuous Consumption aims to achieve greater social distinction amongst the common (Wang and Chen, 2004). Conspicuous consumption in India is no longer confined to rich class merely, with easy communication finance accessibility at any point of time this affluence is desired amongst all income groups even the economically backward working class. In India the advertising, campaigning techniques adopted by General Motors are product-based group-targeted aiming at dynamic-branding strategies aiming at the flourishing corporate class branding especially through online audio visual marketing. The free test drive campaigns and extravagant road shows especially organized in India by Chevrolet at principle prospective points with propaganda of least maintenance cost for three years have instantaneously increased sales and immensely strengthened their market share. Niche luxury car section of Chevrolet also aims at targeting high and medium income groups in India through practising a more specialized privately customized publicity strategy through email or internet Invitation Only Marketing. Overall Chevrolets strategy in appealing the Common Working Man or locally termed as Aam Admi from diversified classes of income groups in India has proven to be so effective that Chevrolet has seen a sales boom in India even in the face of globa l recession, at the same time Chevrolet Spark and the Aveo U-VA have bagged the prestigious J.D. Power Asia-Pacific awards in addition to many other accolades in its bouquet. Chevrolet in India amidst the economic meltdown has proven to be the market leader through formulating innovative, decisive brand awareness aiming to glorify and transform lives of their loyal enthusiastic followers and prospects. In India, Chevrolet through its enterprising marketing, branding masterminding has conquered billions of loyal and prospective consumers paving enlightened path for flourishing historically important path-breaking strategies. Analysis of Internal and External Issues: The consumers behaviour can be broadly studied under cognitive, affective and normative determinants depending on the approach, preference, prejudice, perception and conspicuous consumption of the existent community. The purchasing graph in automobile industry is always an exception. Though the car prices are in decreasing mode in accordance to Indias vision for her citizens to own at least one car per person, yet the possession of car in emerging countries like India is still a luxury capital purchase. All the above affecting consumer behaviours vary with time due to financial condition, age, gender, educational background and lifestyle which induce two reactions, namely, the rational attitude and the experienced outlook. While purchasing luxury goods like cars in India, consumer acquires in-depth knowledge of the market and the company offerings rationally analysing and evaluating all information. According to Kotler, Armstrong, Saunders and Wong (1999), in addition to the cultural phenomenon, there are social, personal and psychological aspects which govern the purchasing power of the people. Across India, the globalization has ushered in an open door market and economic boom leading to easily accessible information, technological advancements, communication systems, international social networks these global trends enormously influence both the markets and the consumers (Borg, 1996). Following the Maslows Hierarchy of Needs, to analyse and evolve the human psychological factors configuring and constituting their needs and motivations the determinants are categorized into five classifications in a pyramid such as the lowest level shows physiological demand to appease basic hunger and thirst, the second level arouses an individual to look for safety and security, the third level pacifies an individuals desire for social belonging, the fourth level influences the person to q uench his esteem to attain social status and finally the fifth level inspires to achieve self-actualization accomplishing ones ultimate potential and independence. In developing countries like India significant determinants exist for the increasing demands of high involvement products like automobiles. India being the second most populated country has emerged as one of the most preferred nations by foreign multinational investors in automobile sector like Chevrolet of General Motors- mostly attracted due to the huge demand naturally created by Indias growing population through the extensive expanse of qualitative talent and competitive labour pool available. Principal credit of publicizing and popularizing of Chevrolets vast Indian expansion is contributed by the creatively sophisticated advertising market especially the web advertising and marketing strategies which has not only inspired its very own Indian population but also attracted the audience worldwide. The secret formula be hind Chevrolets marketing success in India dwells upon communication and the extent to which a consumer recognizes and recalls a brand. In this context it is appropriate to quote Aaker (1991, p 63), A name is like a special file folder in the mind which can be filled with name-related facts and feelings. Without such a file readily accessible in memory, the facts and feelings become misfiled, and cannot be readily accessed when needed. Accordingly it depends on the Levels of Awareness as illustrated below: (Source: Aaker; 1991, p 62) Unaware of Brand->Brand Recognition->Brand Recall->Top of Mind A direct extraction from the Summer Internship Report on Role of Advertising in Brand Communication through Television Media submitted by Sumantra Ray (A0102207185) of Amity University Uttar Pradesh the following useful information can be considered: The above graph shows the number of people who have given the corresponding ranks to the mediums according to the time devoted. The total is calculated by adding up the product of the number of people and corresponding ranks. [Example for television: it is (1X35) + (2X30) + (3X26) + (4X9) =209] The medium getting the lowest score is one getting the highest average rank. Hence the ranks are: 1- Television, 2 internet, 3 radio, 4- print. Next probing deep into the impact of the electronic media rising amongst which is the internet advertising and its influence on auto-sales in India, the following extracted international statistics can be cited and then Indian variables be derived with present research data as explained below: [The above tabular graphical data directly extracted from the source Ong, Jessica (April 21st, 2009) Archive for Advertising Effectiveness, Big Domain or Big Homepage? Homepage Visitors at the Top Publisher Sites [online] (Cited 4 February 2010) Available from:] [The above pie-chart graphical data directly extracted from the source Coad, Chris(March 3rd, 2009 ) Hyundai (pronounced like Sunday) Accelerates into 2009, [online] (Cited 4 February 2010) Available from: ] In India as per the scrutiny conducted the internet is generally browsed by the younger generation and the corporate class, and it is also seen that while purchasing a brand new first hand car people most often do visit websites and collect feedbacks or news updates from the internet in addition to the conventional method verbal consultation with friends and relatives. But in the current scenario with the rewarding publicity awareness created in India by the social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc even amongst the oldest generations, political leaders, celebrities, public figures that the common mass in India are transforming more or less as net savvy and net dependent while finalizing on the high involvement purchase and the older generations, conservative classes or house-wives as well are now consulting the internet rather than discuss out with friends and relatives. Thus for the internet users advertisements do play a central conclusive role in aiding them to take the ir decisions. The creative agencies in India are not only involved in advertising in the conventional methods they are always inventive in venturing into innovative vistas like arranging for symposium, conferences or just meeting points to interact the advertisers with the prospective consumers and spread the global views for a promising prospective and prosperous future. Search engine Optimization, Pay per click, Invitation Only Marketing and Exclusivity advertising strategies are all implemented to establish as a successful brand intelligently utilizing the web marketing effectively. The advertisements of automobile sectors in this passing phase of global economic recession are also targeted to reinstate and reinforce the renewed presence of the auto brands and proclaim the word of assurances for their stable support and thus honouring their brand loyalties with perpetual guaranteed services. This is evident in the extracted instance of press release of a credibility reassurance c ampaign related to the General Motorss US Bankruptcy case in which GMs President and Managing Director (India) Mr. Carl Sym is featured as rightfully justified: Piyush Rathi, business director, Quasar Media, the digital agency which has conceptualised the campaign, tells afaqs!, It is an assurance-building campaign, aimed at informing consumers that India and the US are two separate operations of GM. And the Indian arm is debt-free and self- sufficient and consumers will continue to get after-sales services. [Kapil Ohri (June 03, 2009) Digital reassurance by GM India, New Delhi,] This induced the big honchos in the auto industry like Chevrolet to invest in the enormously prospective emerging market of India as evidenced in the Chevrolet Aveo U-VAs Bada Dil. Badi Car ad of Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan depicting through online advertisements and electronic campaigns the friendly responsible Indian common man popularized as Aam Admi which at once wins the hearts of millions of Indians. ( Broadly there are four interdependent perspectives to collectively contribute towards giving the product its brand essence, namely, product, people-organization, product-personality and signature-symbol all the factors together have proven to be a revolutionary hit even in the case of web marketing for the Chevrolet brand in India. Web Marketing Action Plans Behind the Success Story: The Web Marketing Strategy implemented in this case is illustrated below: FRAME MARKET OPPORTUNITY FORMULATE MARKET STRATEGY DESIGN CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE CRAFT CUSTOMER INTERFACE DESIGN MARKETING PROGRAM LEVERAGE CUSTOMER INFORMATION THROUGH TECHNOLOGY EVALUATE The Web Activities of Consumers are enlisted below (Source: Advertising Age, Digital Marketing Fact Book 2007): Activity Internet Users Used e-mail 70.5% Got Latest News 40.2 Made Purchase, Personal 34.2 Paid Bills 30.7 Used Instant Messenger 26.8 Got Financial Info 24.8 Got Sports News/Info 23.8 Played Games 22.4 Made Travel Plans 19.8 Got Medical Info 17.4 Download Music 15.7 Visit TV Website 14.1 Tracked Investments 13.2 Got Real Estate Info 12.3 Looked For Job 12.1 Watched Video 11.4 Listened Radio 10.9 Made Purchase, Business 10.7 Got Info for Car Buy 10 Visit Blogs 6.7 In marketing of high involvement purchase like cars in India, informative web advertisements through public sharing of the sensational package, affordable prices, vehicular features, outstanding mileage, spare-parts accessibility, world-class presence are proven to be the focus of attraction in communication strategies as successfully illustrated by Chevrolet in its powerful persuasion of forceful advertisements as evidenced in Saif Ali Khan playing the brand ambassador. In India, with rising fuel costs and thinking green becoming buzz words amongst people; Chevrolet of General Motors has progressed immensely with innovations exclusive in fuel efficient and environmental-friendly cars of world standard. The Brand Awareness strategies of Chevrolet are a grand success on adopting the following steps as advocated by Aaker (1991): Be different, Memorable: To differentiate amidst the competitive market, Chevrolet manifests outstanding, sensational, attention-pulling successful web campaigns and e-ads to attract the exclusive consumer community. Classy, hyped ramp walks during new series launch with cocktail celebrations in grand presence of dignitaries and celebrities are added crowd-pulling sensations practised universally in India by the automobile giant brand Chevrolet which are all posted in the websites and internet advertisements to attract buyers. Involve a slogan or jingle: To augment the effect of visual practical impact of the brand, the witty attractive slogan in Chevrolet ads has achieved unimaginable popularity since the most successful innovative pioneering one-liner captivates a million hearts as in Bada Dil. Badi Car meaning Big Heart. Big Car. Symbol Exposure: Popularizing of Chevrolets unique attractive golden cross symbol has further magnetized the consumers and pulled the brand from its grass root level to the current acclaimed glory the symbol sometimes be seen as ads at different news, informative and sports websites. Publicity: In this era of fast, speedy communications Chevrolets prime achievement in India dwells in advertising, especially in electronic and internet media, which are timely organized and strategized thus capturing millions and billions of consumers at a time. Event Sponsorship: The free test drive campaigns, extravagant road shows organized by Chevrolet in India at principle prospective points with propaganda of least maintenance cost for three years to attract the targeted mass of consumers have been highly successful in establishing the dominant effect of the brand values and ideology thus creating a recognition augmentation phenomenon which are widely advertised throughout the web. Consider brand extensions: Chevrolet is renowned in India to popularize its brand assets in trademark symbol to identify in a faster, broader horizon worldwide utilizing the internet since human memory recalls small symbolic visuals instantly and familiarize it with daily lifestyle. Using cues: The close to heart marketing package of Chevrolet in India targeting the youth, active working class, fashionable, classy yet loving and caring community is the supreme determinant, the first interaction or synergy point with the consumer. As the saying goes, The first impression is the last impression, hence during launch of the first brand communication through innovative emails and web campaigns, utmost consideration is inculcated for the brand appearance to be attractive and pervading the right message. Recall requires repetition: Chevrolet in India adopted continued marketing strategies to achieve the supreme recall senses in the minds of the consumers through repeated transmission via emails and e-advertisements or reminders through innovative style such as online sponsorships, events, competitions, rewards etc., to create an imagery of the brand in the subconscious mind of target consumers. To accomplish a top of mind recall, Chevrolet has implemented immense endeavour to be recapitulated, reiterated time and again to impact permanently in consumer minds to the extent that the brand loyalty inspires consumer to forgo his own desires in interest of the brand. The recall bonus: Reminders through regular e-promotions, publicities have created a strong fortification for the Chevrolet brand in India to take over its other competitors, to attain the vertex in market share through intelligent masterminding, hosts of hallmarks and repetitive net broadcasts with consequent online market surveys and positive promotions fetching an added bonus and dividend in the long run. Chevrolet in India goes to such great extent to embolden and energize their existing as well as prospective customers by treating them with emails, e-greetings, e-cards, gifts and flowers at very special moments of life such as birthdays, weddings, marriage anniversaries, and all the delightful events that make the occasion ever more memorable. This makes Chevrolet truly global, distinctive and exceptional. Thus the international brand Chevrolet implements dynamic online strategies to inspire brand loyalties amongst their diversified classes of consumers with varied preferences in India. Strategizing brand equity of Chevrolet in India has proven to be an indispensable factor to gauge market dominance, and consumer appreciation and loyalty equating with the charisma and values the brand endorses. According to Aaker (1992, p 17) brand equity can be measured under five dimensions, namely, Brand Loyalty, Brand Cognizance, Brand Quality, Brand Association and Brand Assets. India being an emerging nation, its people aspires and is influenced by the prosperous epitome of capitalism exhibited by the United States of America. General Motors is esteemed to be the titan brand upholding all the values and virtues of American capitalism and experiencing changeover under the visionary leadership of the dynamic and charismatic US President Mr. Barack Obama to revitalize, reincarnate and reinstate it to its hallowed glory. This perceived quality creates a halo effect to strengthen life-time association of the consumer with the brand despite its premium pricing thus spreading the goodwill for the brand through word of mouth advocacy, enhancing the brand equity, hence adding to cash flow appreciation and increased revenue generation of the company in India. Further, since they are exclusive in nature, their marketing and advertising also needs to be unique and limited to a few of the affluent and exclusivity conscious segment. This demands that the marketing and advertising events be planned and executed minutely to maintain an aura of exclusivity which is achieved through Invitation Only Marketing strategies adopted by Chevrolet for its prospective customers. In other words, it can be seen as the highest level of service offered to make the customer feel the differentiation in products as well as service. Hence, it requires a strategic plan for the marketing event to be a success which evolves a concept where consumers are indulged to think of a product as being in scarcity due to the high demand and hence inspires them to desire to own the product. This brand alliance inspires amongst closely networked online consumers to invest in an authenticated quality and name, and also motivates them to share information amongst their close associates which not only elevates the value but also curtails expenditure on additional advertisements and publicity campaigns. Web Marketing Activities and Life Cycle: Firms have realized the importance of the right tools for promoting their events and their products to the niche segment and note that it has to be subtle. Bohdanowicz and Clamp (1994) note that for the upcoming niche industry, the efficiency both the short-term and long-term marketing plans increases with the use of Information Technology and without it marketing becomes product-cantered (pp 151,152). Since any established brands as well as luxury items, relies on customer loyalty which in turn depends on referrals and invitation-only concept, inefficiency in using Information Technology can hamper the efforts of marketing. TRAFFIC BROWSERS PROSPECTIVE CONSUMERS BUYERS LOYAL CONSUMERS KEY IDENTIFIERS IN WEB MARKETING: WEBSITE DESIGN SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PAY PER CLICK ADVERTISING EMAIL MARKETING MOBILE ACCESS TARGET SLOPE Here, it is to be noted that although the two kinds of customer base in the industry form the major segment, the small percent of networking activists can be considered to promote the products at a faster rate by the use of Information Technology and further, this small but important customer base called Initiators have the potential to trigger sales as they are found to be more active users of Information Technology along with being the patrons for a number of exclusive products (Hardie, n.d.). Also, this segment, as they are called initiators, is true to the name and can be tapped and relied on to initiate the further sales and also attracts a more loyal customer base. Here, it should be noted that a closely networked customer base can be easy to reach and sustain than attracting a non-communicating customer base. However, it is to be noted that there is the risk of losing out on competition should the service disappoint the closely knit group. This would mean losing out on a large mass at one time. Hence, there needs to be a continuous effort to market web branding of products to the niche segment. With the exclusive products marketed to the niche segment, the pricing is also kept high and although this is limited to a small segment, is growing due to the increasing number of brand conscious segment with their increasing incomes and identity needs. This also requires innovative ways of marketing to all prospective segments which necessitates the cause for an exclusivity which in turn is accentuated by the trend of by-invitation-only marketing strategy. It is also observed that there is an online presence for these companies and the exclusive customers for the exclusive products usually are invited or more often seek to be invited to special and exclusive marketing events for these brands. Further, it is noted that social networking has added to the success of this by-invitation-only marketing concept. It is seen that Gmail is the first one to experiment online marketing for some of its VIP customers (Cornes, 2007). Source: Advertising Age, Digital Marketing Fact Book 2007, eMarketer Feb. 07 projections against IAB/PriceWaterhouseCoopers data for which the last fully measured year was 2005. [Directly extracted from: Akehurst, G. E-Marketing Planning and Strategies [online] Viewed 04 February 2010 Available from: ] [Directly extracted from: Akehurst, G. E-Marketing Planning and Strategies [online] Viewed 04 February 2010 Available from: ] In web marketing due to its global presence since price cannot be a constraint in marketing these goods, it can be seen as a way to introduce new products based on the feedback from the customers. This is also a good way to keep in business and evolve. Special online advertisements of events such as fashion weeks, charity shows, are also a trend among the affluent. Further, it is observed that companies use the services of a third-party advertising agent or Public Relations (PR) agent to manage also, a Push-Pull strategy is being adopted for marketing of luxury goods (Hines Bruce, 2007, p 146). However, with the use of Information Technology, the World Wide Web (WWW) and the intranet have enabled a pull process to the distribution of data as opposed to the push process (Yeoman, Robertson, 2004, p 99). Another marketing strategy for luxury goods is sample sales which are also by invitation only. As Sherman observes, the Web is an important tool for such marketing and there are a numb er of online channels that arrange invitation only sales where often the membership is free and customers can request to be invited (2008). Thus through web marketing the prime focal points are the aspects of offering exclusive products, enhanced customer service, mix of marketing strategies both intensive and extensive online presence, use of efficient tools for communication and push-pull strategies, organized monitoring and feedback system amongst others. Pay Per Click Advertising Campaign: Pay per click is an intelligently engineered advertising tool where web-hosts are sponsored by the advertisers every time the web-visitors click on the advertisements thus promoted mostly by the search engine overtures, as in the case of Googles AdWords Select, AOL Search and many more. It is sometimes seemingly advantageous than the SEO campaigns due to its operational simplicity since also the websites need not be customized without any specialized expertise and much faster in use. However the disadvantages are evident in generalization of positioning and hence lowering of existent importance, sometimes rampant competition can make the entire affair highly expensive and further if not effectively identified the visitor worth the entire process can also pose as utter loss. To accentuate this campaign it is imperative to evaluate visitor worth on dividing the profit by the visitor numbers for the specified time period. Further selection of appropriate key phrases, relevant and useful descriptions, and finally regular insight and monitoring is absolutely essential in such cases. The best advantage of PPC is that it can reach enormous amount of targeted visitors in little time. Conclusion and Managerial Recommendations: The web marketing lifecycle thus conclusively commences with creating an online profile of the organization globally advertised through a skilfully and strategically designed website. Then marketing strategies are farmed, formulated and focused in order to build an online campaign with the help of search engine optimization such that the most popular keywords are identified to impart frequent visibility of the website and hence the organization to any online users. Then branding and further marketing is pursued through varied social media networks and pay per click activities further popularizes the vision and mission of the organization through frequent web users who exchange information, ideas, news and views through the net. Email marketing and web-to-mobile connectivity can further commercialize the entire process and impart it as an exclusive affair thus enhancing the return on investment on a steady growth. Further to sustain this productivity one must have a customized report formulation, regular identification of the best sales leads, evaluation testing and tweaking of the most popular pages, positive transformation of prospective customers, sustenance and perpetuation of loyal consumers, online promotions sponsorships campaigns and competitions, regular checking of site-conversion site-performance and market-return, insightful reports with comparative corporate analysis and intelligence for further improvement at every stages of development. Hence such unconventional attractive, larger than life tradition made innovative, avant-garde at the same time classic and eternal by touching hearts of millions of consumers from every walks of life is the true success secret of the global branding and web marketing.